Neu in der Microchip 32bit MCU Familie: SAML10 & L11

Kunden von IoT-Endprodukten suchen nach MCUs, die den Stromverbrauch senken und gleichzeitig robuste Sicherheit bieten. Die neue Microchip SAM L10 und L11 MCU – Familie verfolgt einen innovativen Ansatz zur Lösung dieser Herausforderung: Integration vieler Peripheriegeräte, einschließlich Sicherheitsfunktionen, in die stromsparendste MCU seiner Klasse. Microchip stellt die  Highlights wie folgt dar:

Low Power: Create extremely power-efficient designs with the SAM L10 and SAM L11, the industry’s lowest power MCUs in their class with an EEMBC certified ULPMark of 405. They are built with picoPower® technology and provide flexible power saving modes enabling longer battery life.

Security: SAM L11 MCUs integrates chip-level security and ARM® TrustZone® technology to help protect from both physical and malware attacks. They are supported by a comprehensive security solution framework to simplify the implementation of security.

Hardware Touch: Both SAM L10 and SAM L11 families offer Microchips latest generation Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC) for capacitive touch capabilities. Designers can easily add touch interfaces that provide an impressively smooth and efficient user experience in the presence of moisture and noise while maintaining low power consumption. The touch interface makes the devices ideal for many of automotive, appliance, medical and consumer Human Machine Interface (HMI) applications.

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